26 April 2023
When 1 + 1 = 3: one.network and Drivewyze join forces to save lives in the work zone

Sometimes a collaboration between two entities can have serious implications for a third. Such is the case with the recently announced partnership between, one.network, a leading road management and work zone data technology provider and Drivewyze, a trucking communications and safety firm with clients throughout the US and Canada. The third entity in this relationship is the work zone crews who build and maintain our roads – crews who will finally be able to take charge of their own safety. Through this partnership, truckers will have access to crucial information provided by workers in the job site, on exactly where work zones are, which lanes they occupy, and even whether workers are present. That’s critically important because of the more than 800 fatal work zone crashes that occur in the United States each year, nearly a third involve commercial trucks. It’s understandable considering their massive weights, longer stopping distances and lack of maneuverability, combined with the fact that commercial trucks travel more miles than any other class of vehicle. Understandable, maybe, but acceptable? In the eyes of one.network, no.
“We believe to attack the work zone crash crisis most effectively, we need to address the issues with the greatest potential impact first. Collaborating with Drivewyze to share information with truckers in the in-cab format and environment they’re already using, makes perfect sense.”
– James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network
one.network’s work zone safety and event planning software is ubiquitous in the United Kingdom where it serves more than 90% of traffic agencies, but in the United States, the company is just hitting its stride. Despite being a relatively new entrant into the US market, the company has already gotten attention from several major agencies, including the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), signing an agreement to conduct a statewide pilot using one.network’s platform to increase safety in work zones from Tallahassee to Tampa, Miami to Miramar.
As part of the agreement, FDOT is also using the company’s Live Link application which is a first of its kind solution that allows workers in work zones to update lane closures and openings, road closings and even whether a work zone is active, directly from the job site. Through a few clicks on a cell phone app, those workers can upload information directly to GPS providers including Apple Maps, Google, and WAZE sharing accurate and timely information with the driving public in near real time. It’s a radical enhancement to the traditional method of sharing information with drivers through overhead signs, flashing lights and cones, an enhancement that immediately appealed to Drivewyze.
“Lane closures and work zones occur frequently on roadways today. Speeding, weaving, and congestion create dangerous environments for other drivers and roadway workers. one.network solutions help solve this challenge and offer improved work zone and lane closure data to connected vehicles and the motoring public. With this partnership, Drivewyze can extend these work zone and lane closure safety programs into commercial motor vehicles, offering state agencies a unique one-to-many reach across the regulated and, historically, fragmented trucking industry.”
– Brian Heath, CEO, Drivewyze
The partnership provides two important benefits for one.network. First, Drivewyze has a massive reach throughout North America. As a measure of the company’s impact, Drivewyze offers bypass and in-cab safety notification programs throughout the United States and Canada, including the agency-sponsored Smart Roadways portfolio of alerts. In total, the Drivewyze application sends around half a million in-cab notifications per day to commercial motor vehicles. The company’s platform is simple to use and works on devices designed specifically for truck cabs as well as on iPads and cell phones. Second, one.network’s Live Link is a natural fit. Getting a solution that delivers crucial information into the hands, and cabs of the drivers most often involved in work zone crashes has clear potential to reduce work zone crashes and by extension, fatalities. Both companies are committed to the goals of Vision Zero, to eliminate fatal crashes altogether, and the impact of the two companies working together is far greater than either could manage on their own.
“This is a math equation. When you add together the safety solution we offer and the distribution channels Drivewyze is bringing to the table, the benefit goes way beyond anything else currently out there.”
– James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network
For one.network, that distribution channel also extends to Drivewyze’s established relationships with departments of transportation throughout the United States. That coverage reach comes with the ability to open doors and introduce one.network to new clients.
“We’re in the business of saving lives. Our challenge isn’t in the quality of our solution. That’s tested and proven. The challenge is about broadening awareness that our solution can advance any agency’s Vision Zero aspirations.”
– James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network
While this collaboration is rooted in work zone safety, both companies are leaders in their respective fields with extensive intelligent transportation offerings. one.network’s plan share platform for example, will dramatically simplify road works planning and permitting and the company’s live maps pull and enrich data to offer a digital view of regional and even national road incursions. Drivewyze is helping revolutionize intelligent transportation with a suite of roadway sensors and connected vehicle solutions that are available as off the shelf solutions to agencies and infrastructure owners. The pedigree of the companies goes to their combined value proposition. Together, they offer the innovation and ingenuity of a startup with the stability and staying power of a legacy transportation leader
“So often we hear about solutions being developed that are in search of a problem. We are solving the most important transportation problem there is, and that’s keeping people alive. This collaboration has the potential to change the work zone safety landscape. We couldn’t be more proud to be working with our friends from Drivewyze.”
– James Harris, CEO & Founder, one.network