Which Instagram Metrics Matter? The Power of Analytics You Need to Know - IQhashtags - Instagram hashtag search tool
Oct 05
Which Instagram Metrics Matter what should you track

Which Instagram Metrics Matter? The Power of Analytics You Need to Know

Which Instagram metrics matter the most and why they’re such a big deal? At IQ Hashtags, we truly believe that metrics are your best friend – because what you can’t measure, you can’t easily improve. That why Instagram metrics MATTER SO MUCH. At the same time, let’s face the truth: Instagram metrics and analytics can take you in one hundred different directions and can give you thousands of observations. Only about five of those Instagram metrics are the most important ones for your strategy and creating new Reels and content that keeps your ‘Gram profile growing (and thriving). Today, we’ll explain what each Instagram metric means and why those particular  metrics matter so much. Let’s hop right into the details (and practical examples), so you can get straight to your Instagram account’s tracking and boost your posts’ and Reels’ performance.

What Are Instagram Metrics?

Instagram metrics are the detailed insights you get about your profile, post, Reel and hashtag performance via the native (in-depth) Instagram analytics tool or a third-party analytics tool like IQ Hashtags. This series of metrics offers practical, actionable insights on how to adjust your Instagram strategy in such a way that you accomplish your performance and visibility goals.

Which Instagram Metrics Matter and Which Are Most Important?

Many people claim that the perfect Instagram strategy doesn’t exist. Well, this topic is quite complicated and have more than two sides, but one thing is more than sure: if you periodically look at the metrics and the most important data, you keep up with all the Instagram updates, check Instagram analytics via the smart tool like the one we mentioned above, and track the most important Instagram metrics, you won’t fail.

We know that all the analytics and metrics can look like black magic at first, but don’t worry: of course we are here to clear it all for you. Let’s look together at the Instagram metrics that will make your Instagram presence keep on spinning.

These are the Instagram metrics every content creator should track:

Engagement (and the engagement rate). Engagement is like the fundamental Instagram metric to constantly track and look at when interested in your account’s growth. Engagement (and the engagement rate) shows the number of likes, shares, saves and comments. You can track this important metric to learn more about what your target audience likes the most.

Organic reach. Organic reach measures the number of Instagram users who saw your content (traditional posts, carousels, Reels) of their own accord. It includes views on users’ feeds, as well as ones from Explore Page. This metric also takes into account the number of ‘Gram users who see your content thanks to a like, comment or share by someone else, which can give you real insight into the power of Instagram tribe.

Demographics. Your audience is your master when you want to grow on the platform. On Instagram, you particularly need to make sure you track what new users like and dislike, what exactly do they prefer, and what are the trends they are enjoying and following. First, you need to uncover which is the average age you’re addressing your posts to. When you learn more about your audience’s age groups and genders, you will know how to accustom your Instagram content to suit their needs.

Why it’s Important to Track Instagram Metrics?

If you’re hesitating and wondering why it’s such a big deal and why it’s so important to track Instagram  metrics, you need to think about your Instagram goals. With the in-depth knowledge about your Instagram analytics and your posts’ metrics you can much better understand what type of content works for you and your target audience.  Looking at numbers favours your upcoming posts since you get to find out more about your account performance.

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Why Merely Posting Isn’t Enough Anymore?

If you can’t measure something, you CAN’T improve it – it was said by W. Edwards Deming some time ago, but NOW it’s more accurate than ever. To improve something, you need to measure it first, compare it, and do your best to get better results. Yup, it applies to our Instagram strategies as well. It may sound cliche, but trust me – we’re observing so many content creators (our clients), and the process of measuring and analyzing Instagram results is still taboo for so many of them! They imagine analyzing the metrics as a very frustrating process, and that’s a massive myth: IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. At all! Actually, that’s why we’ve developed our tool – IQ Hashtags – to make it as seamless and intuitive as possible.

Yes, of course, it takes some work and experimentation. But… the result will be worth it. You need to know if you’re making progress; if you’re not, you need to know which key areas to address so you can make that progress and make it FASTER. That’s our new favorite motto: “You can’t improve what you can’t measure”, and that’s why, with the IQ Hashtags tool, you can measure the impact of your Instagram efforts and track the performance of your posts and Reels with all the in-depth data you need to make informed decisions about your next posts.

Which of your posts and Reels are receiving the most engagement? Do you know that?

After reviewing the results of your posts and hashtags, you can iterate appropriately going forward. This will lead to much higher organic reach, engagement, connections, and prospective followers. As a content creator, you undoubtedly are short on time and have SO much to do all the time. But give this strategy a go. Dig deeper and read through all the metrics you can track – use our IQ Hashtags tool to make the process much easier. Measure and analyze your hashtag performance.

Do it the smart way.

How to Track Instagram Metrics with IQ Hashtags

IQ Hashtags is an Instagram analytics tool packed with data, the most complex and comprehensive one when it comes to actionable insights for your account’s growth. Besides providing in-depth Instagram analytics, IQ Hashtags also offers solutions for AI-generated content, AI assistant, Caption generation, hashtag and keyword analysis,  and many more.

Let’s take a look at IQ Hashtags’ Instagram metrics and how to use these insights to craft a better video content strategy. These insights will help you figure out what changes you need to make, according to your most engaging posts and hashtags.

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Is Instagram Lowering Your Reach?

Which Instagram Metrics Matter

Which Instagram Metrics Matter

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